
Starting code for the Gateway Test 3 - Retakes April 2022

Fundamentals of Software Development Retake Programming Test You should have unzipped file you have downloaded from Canvas GatewayTest3April2022.zip which contains your local git repository for the test Delete or move this zip file so that you don't get confused by it when you have to submit a new version

Local Git Repository:


Contents: README.md - this file .gitignore GatewayTest3Apr2022NB - NetBeans Project containing Starting Code

Instructions 1) Start NetBeans and Open the NetBeans Project GatewayTest3Apr2022NB inside the GatewayTest3Apr2022 local repository Folder 1.1 You should now have your NetBeans Project GatewayTest3Apr2022NB. It has a package uk.ac.kingston.gatewaytest3.model with the starting code

2) Before you start make an initial commit. You can use GitHub Desktop or NetBeans (or any Git Client you are familiar with). Add all the new files if needed.

2.1 Uncomment the line: // System.out.println("GT3Start: Start point for Gateway Test - start line uncommented");
2.2 Run the code to check that it works e.g. Right Click on the Project GatewayTest3Apr2022 and select 'Run'
2.3 Do a Commit e.g. Right Click on the Project GatewayTest3Apr2022 and select Git->Commit...
2.4 Add the initial Commit Message: GT3Start: Start point for Gateway Test - start line uncommented

3) Complete the tasks for GatewayTest3Apr2022 committing code as you go with commit messages that start with the code that identifies the task you are working on e.g. RC1 , RC2, RC3 etc

4)At the end of the test or when you have finished prepare your code for submission: 4.1 Make sure you have Deleted or Moved the orginal zip file (GatewayTest3Apr2022.zip). 4.2 Clean your project. Right click on the Project GatewayTest3Apr2022NB and select Clean. This removes .class files and .jar files which may be rejected by Canvas 4.3 Make a final commit: Clean NetBeans Project 4.4 Zip up your local git repository (GatewayTest3Apr2022) and submit to Canvas to GatewayTest3Apr2022.zip (make sure this is not the file you orginally downloaded: see 4.1)